2012:38 Technical Note, Radiological effects on non-human biota - initial review

The focus of this review was SKB’s assessment of radiological effects on non-human biota in SR-Site according to present regulations and guidance from SSM and it was conducted by Karolina Stark at the Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University. In short, the results from this review show that the completeness of the safety assessment can be questioned regarding considered radionuclides and ecosystem scenarios. In addition, there are gaps in the Forsmark site sampling and data, in calculated concentration ratios for non-human biota, and the integration of human and non-human biota dose assessment. These gaps question the scientific soundness and quality of SR-Site. Clarifications are also needed regarding the use of the ERICA dose assessment tool and its assumptions. Other questions that need further clarification and suggestions of topics to SSM for further review of SKB’s application are also provided in this technical note.