SKI Report 2008:01 Reliability Data for piping Components in Nordic Nuclear Poer Plants "R-Book" Project Phase 1

SKI Report 2008:01 - “Reliability Data for Piping Components in Nordic Nuclear Power Plants - R-Book Project Phase I” – is a planning document for a new R&D project to develop a piping component reliability parameter handbook for use in probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) and related activities. Included in this handbook will be pipe leak failure rates and rupture frequencies that are derived from the service experience data that is stored in the “OECD Pipe Failure Data Exchange” (OPDE) database. This new R&D project is sponsored jointly by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate and the Swedish utility members of the Nordic PSA Group (NPSAG).

Established in 2002, OPDE is an international database on the service experience with piping in commercial nuclear power plants. The OPDE database captures information on damage and degradation mechanisms that result in repair or replacement of affected piping, including small-, medium- and large-diameter safety-related and non-safetyrelated piping systems. The “R-Book” project is one of a series of completed or ongoing OPDE application projects, including work by the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, and the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization.

SKI Report 2008:1 describes the methods and techniques that are proposed for the derivation of piping reliability parameters. The report also outlines the technical scope of the analyses to be performed and the proposed detailed content of the R-Book.